Hard to maintain?
These few weeks were really busy weeks for me. Furthermore, many of my weekends were burnt due to trainings. Then, there was this thought of me to close down the blog as it is really difficult and time consuming to maintain a blog. However, I finally decided not to comply to my initial plan as my efforts in the past will go down to drain.
Many a times, we like to start things because it is fresh. However, time will test our patience. While it may be easy to start, it is definetely a chore to maintain the progress. Many people gave up on the maintenance part as they feel that they are tired. Similarly, some of us might not be able to persevere after accepting Christ. Being a Christian is not easy. And many a times, there might be conflicts with certain ideologies that the world belived in. Some says they are tired of being a Christian. It may be easy to accept Christ, just believe...but it might be hard to live out a Christian life in this world. However, we should believe that God will gives us the strength to persevere through all difficulties. So don't give up easily. For you can always confide your problems to the Lord. He will bring you through.